Check out this valuable information from the Canadian Cancer Society on safer, healthier alternatives to toxic non-essential pesticides

Saturday, 20 April 2013

Happy Earth Day Canada!


  1. Love to save my pets - I've been pesticide free for 6 years and love it. Initially I was afraid of some dandelions and what my neighbors might say, but no one actually said anything. I picked what I could, over seeded with grass seed and aerate yearly. It works and its safe. Here is an article that gets you thinking of preparing your garden.

  2. Thank you gardener for leading the way.
    Like children, pets are particularly vulnerable to pesticide poisoning. They run on lawns laced with chemicals, eat bait put out for snails, ants or mice, and are subjected to flea treatments that are not safe either for them or their families (particularly children, who may be exposed when petting or hugging an animal).

    An entertaining yet cautionary video, The Truth About Cats, Dogs and Lawn Chemicals ( presents the dangers to pets posed by landscape pesticides and provides information on pesticide-free alternatives.
