Check out this valuable information from the Canadian Cancer Society on safer, healthier alternatives to toxic non-essential pesticides

Tuesday 30 July 2013

Evans Court Takes The Lead

Last year Sanela had the opportunity to go and meet with the people who live at Evans Court in Regina during their AGM. At the meeting she showed them how they could improve the green spaces around their homes without the need for cosmetic pesticides. Just a few days ago one of the condo owners at Evans Court sent us an e-mail informing us that they are going strong in their commitment to use only organic techniques. And for it they have all reduced their risk to being effected by pesticide use.

The people of Evans Court are taking the lead by not using cosmetic pesticides anymore and you can too. Visit this link to get some tips on how to take care of your own lawn all year round and avoid the need for cosmetic pesticides and reduce your risk.



Sanela is now on maternity leave for the next year. So I (Brett Estey) will be taking over for Sanela. But I will make sure to keep updating this blog with new information during my time in her place.

So with that I would like to congratulate Sanela on the birth of her child and wish her and her family all the best.
